Krause’s Season 5: Spring (Week 1)

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Family Navigation: Season 4: Winter | Season 5: Spring (Week 2)

Well hello and welcome back to the Krause family!! These guys are doing the Master Simmer challenge as part of the Achievement Insanity Project. Last time we were with the family we had a bunch of parties that earned gold, the teens did a bunch of hangouts, we had a scare with Jayce, and we ended with an heir poll. So to start let’s take a look at who won the poll!!!




















Thank you to everyone who voted, let’s take a look at how everything broke down vote-wise.

As you can see it really was a no-brainer when it came to who you guys voted for. I also voted for Clover, and I’m super excited to see how her reign goes. Before she can start, though, we have to finish up their teen years.

Monday Evening

When we join the family around 5:30 PM everyone is inside mostly standing around. Clover is dancing away, probably in celebration, and Dusty looks kind of sad. Don’t worry Dusty, we’ll make sure you are set up well!

I notice the tub is broken so Clover heads into the bathroom to start fixing that. Might as well get used to fixing things herself, she’s going to be on her own soon enough.

While Clover does that Jayce and Belle go into the bedroom where the speaker Jayce was trying to befriend for his midlife crisis resides. I don’t think he actually wants to befriend it though because it’s one step forward two back with speaker. Dusty, on the other hand, works on cleaning up the dishes.

Clover gets started on her programming, I don’t know if she is going to get the last promotion in the computer club, unfortunately, just not enough days left before she grows up. Dusty gets started studying for exams, and Belle reads a book, probably for book club on Wednesday.

We still have 4 dust bunnies, and Jayce goes around and feeds them all some dust. None of them are very happy with us right now, they are as needy as bees at this point, but we are keeping them decently neutral at least.

Dusty gets started on his homework and Jayce comes over to help. As soon as her programing is done Clover also gets a start on her homework.

As Monday evening comes to a close Belle and Jayce enjoy some alone time together and we discover Belle likes physical intimacy. Hopefully risky doesn’t provide them with any more kids. The twins are enough and we already have our heiress.


Tuesday starts when we follow the kids to school. Where apparently I didn’t bother to put the walls up before taking a picture.

Oh, there we go, walls. It also appears it’s the “wear club shirts to school, even if you aren’t in those clubs” day again. Dusty and Clover are the only kids not in club shirts, although we could have Clover wear the one for the computer club.

Both kids head to the gym for a quick workout before heading to their morning class, which goes by without incident.

Then it’s lunchtime and all the kids are hanging out in the cafeteria. Clover sits with Candy and DJ Sheff from the MySims challenge, and Dusty walks by a table to throw the following at me.

Karmine is the girl in the bun sitting at the table, and I guess Dusty might be bi? He had whims to flirt with Solros last round, but this is a major crush. I like her too, so Dusty might pursue this.

Afternoon class is in session and Clover apparently decides to change into a shirt and tie. Oh sims, you are so weird sometimes.

Dusty gets a note passed to him and decides to add some jokes, which went over ok with the other students and didn’t get him in trouble. Overall a good day at school.

Back at home, Jayce is busy feeding dust bunnies again. They have an event coming up tonight. With the Growing Together and For Rent packs we had a couple of other “easy” parties that I decided to have Belle complete.

Before the party, however, since it’s also Love Day today, Belle and Jayce exchange flowers and romantic interactions. They have had their ups and downs but always stuck by each other. I really do like these two.

It’s a Family Reunion, which doesn’t make a TON of sense, since our whole family lives here, and we had to invite some friends over, but it didn’t matter, they had a good time eating, taking photos, and sharing family stories all night.

Jayce then suddenly develops a crush on Maria as well. Sorry Jayce she is off-limits for you, but I’ll gladly let you pursue Karmine. She’s a cutie. I’m going to take all these sudden crushes as Dusty really wants to have a partner before we move on with Clover.

Another gold party in the books, although sadly Belle did not get 10 wishes in. She is struggling with wishes that are doable right now and I’m not 100% sure it’s going to actually get that particular goal completed easily. After the party, everyone heads to bed.


Wednesday morning opens with Jayce feeding his dust bunnies, Belle taking a mud bath, and Clover preparing to cook some breakfast. Dusty is probably still asleep in bed.

Once everyone is off to school and work Jayce has the place to himself, and the first thing he does is crank up the tunes and gets his boogie on!

After getting all the groovin’ out Jayce went out to work on some furniture. He creates a wall hanging that we replace the one in the bedroom with, this one was much better quality, and then he makes a bathtub. Which we will be selling.

It’s Wednesday night and that means it’s time for Belle’s Bookclub to meet. They meet at this ladies house, who lives in Evergreen Harbour, I cannot remember her name.

All the ladies have a good book club and chat away until it feels like there is nothing further to discuss and then they all head home.

Back at home, Clover is working on some programming for computer club, and you can see we are starting to get family pictures hung. I love the frames that are unlocked from a family reunion.

Those empty photo spots gave the family a perfect excuse to pull out the camera and have some fun. Many of the pictures turned out well and got hung up, and Clover kept a few back for herself to take with her.

Once the photo silliness was done Clover started cooking some dinner. Fish of some kind I think, but I don’t remember what exactly. She isn’t necessarily going to need to cook for herself all the time, but it’s good to have some skill.

After dinner Belle works on analyzing a new book for book club while Jayce keeps her company. The kids had gone to bed.

Before officially calling it a night themselves both Belle and Jayce work to clean up the kitchen. Jayce may have started this challenge by letting the house fall apart, but he works hard to keep the house nice now that he’s put so much of his own effort into fixing it up.

As they head off to bed Belle is feeling very romantic towards Jayce, maybe she is also thinking about the life and house he worked hard to help them build, and decides she is Romantic. I go ahead and say sure.


Thursday morning finds Belle up and about before anyone else and making some food for the family.

Belle was having some relationship fears, so once Jayce was up she discussed them with him. Jayce reassured her he is hers and hers alone.

Once Belle was off to work, and the kids were at school Jayce heads out to my updated park in Oasis Springs. I downloaded the lot, and then edited it to suit what I wanted, but I really like this park. It has lots of areas for kids to play and is just really pretty.

Jayce heads in to play some chess, this is where we are going to throw our next party and Jayce wanted to check it out. More likely Belle asked him to, and he was happy to do some scouting.

Once done with school the kids head over to help get things ready as well, but Dusty was in a mood. He took himself for a jog to clear his mind before the party. You can see a bit more of the play area in the back.

Belle arrived, and I’m not sure she was completely sold on this place, but I’m with Jayce, it’s going to be great!

Belle finally agreed and started up a neighborhood potluck. Many of the playables, including Aicha Keet, are invited, and as the guests who are bringing food start to arrive the picnic tables get full of food and people.

People start eating and chatting and it’s a really good time. Belle is going to try and get her 10 whims in this time, but upon starting the event she wanted to do something friendly, easy enough, and then wanted to schedule a date with Jayce (can’t because we are IN an event), and analyze a book, which she didn’t bring to the park.

So, instead of meeting the 10 whims, we get like 1 done and then just enjoy the party. We have a pool party on Saturday, and hopefully, we can get them in then.

Belle did want to gossip, which I forgot about earlier, and under gossip, I decided to let Belle eavesdrop on Maria talking with Aicha and Gino. This didn’t achieve the whim, but still.

Apparently, she has grim jealousy, which I find rather humorous for Maria. After that Belle does get the gossip in, but then we are back to dates and books.

Still, it was another gold medal event!! Belle is really killing it as a host, now if only she would give me whims we can actually complete at an event.

Everyone heads home and Clover hops into the bath to splash around a bit. I should have her start taking showers and singing since she needs to win a karaoke contest at some point. She also has to max singing, but still.


We are already almost through week one of this season, and the twins grow up in a couple of days. Friday starts with Jayce feeding the dust bunnies, of course, before he finishes getting ready for the day.

Then he eats some breakfast and cleans up the dishes. Apparently, Jayce slept in, because everyone else was already gone for the day.

Jayce is trying to get the dust bunnies happier again and so he goes and once again feeds them some dust. They are rather cute overall.

After making sure the house is in order Jayce sits down to play some video games. He looks so concerned here, don’t worry Jayce, you are allowed to enjoy video games sometimes!

Belle comes home from work with a raise today, she’s making pretty decent money for being in retail, but she does not look overly happy about it.

So she heads in to watch Jayce play his games. I feel like she is way more into the game than Jayce is, or maybe he’s just concentrating really hard.

The kids come back from school after going through exams and while Clover aced hers, apparently Dusty did something to get himself in trouble. I would worry about the expelled potential if this wasn’t Dusty’s last day at school.

They decide to start heading inside and we see that Clover has gotten sick. Also, I love that this almost looks like dueling umbrellas with the twins.

Clover grabs herself a glass of OJ, which she puts away to come out and talk to her mom about things. She continues drinking it shortly after and then heads in for a nap to try and combat this illness.

Dusty is REALLY feeling a mood right now, and the family decides to order pizza for dinner. The delivery guy arrives, and Dusty can’t be bothered to go answer the door.

So Belle heads out, thanks the delivery man, and brings in the pizza. I never have my Sims order food, I really should do this more often.

Pizza apparently fixes EVERYTHING for Jayce and he sits and spends some time with his dad. Jayce a little bit later offers his lovely wife a massage.

Clover is feeling much better after her nap so they decide to call a teen club meeting and head to their favorite hangout.

The kids hang out playing darts, dancing, and playing a game of ping-pong, which Clover loses and isn’t over happy about it. Doesn’t help that Dusty gloats a bit.

Dusty invited Karmine to also hang out at the club and sits down with her to ask an important question.

Dusty: *whew* ok, so, here it goes…, um, do you…..wannagotopromwithme? *finger guns*

Smooth Dusty, really smooth.

Thankfully she said yes! Dusty has a date for the prom! After that the kids all head home since it had gotten late and it was time for bed


Saturday begins with Belle cooking up some breakfast for the family, and Jayce once again feeding the dust bunnies. I feel like this has already been a pretty long update and we still have almost 3 full days left.

The family sits down to enjoy the breakfast Belle made. Belle had already finished her breakfast before the kids got up and decided she likes deep thoughts after talking with her husband.

Then most of the family decides to have a bit of a dance party. It doesn’t look like it but both Clover and Belle were also dancing, just hard to get a good pic of 3 sims dancing all at once.

It was time for a pool party! Everyone came and danced and swam. It might be a cool spring, but it was still a good time. Belle tried to get through some whims. First, she wanted to listen to a specific type of music, so we had her do that, then she wanted to cloud gaze, so we did that too.

Then Belle threw some wishes for Jayce and to be romantic with him, which we were happy to oblige. Then she went back to, plan a date, and now try for a baby. That isn’t happening.

So, we broke down and bought a wish mixer, and tried that. Sadly, by the time her wishes shook up a bit, and we had some things we could do the party was basically over. So we got through 5 whims this time but still no dice.

Jayce had made sure Karmine was invited and they hung out talking for quite a while. They have prom tonight.

We got a gold medal pool party, not that it was hard, so that is great news. Sadly, I’m not sure what we are going to do with Belle but we have 1 more day to get 10 whims during an event. Now that we have all the goaled events done we can focus on her instead maybe.

But for now, everyone came home and Dusty got sick. This is not good, you have prom tonight. So he grabbed some OJ and went to take a nap.

Thankfully Dusty felt much better by the time prom was here. So Clover and Dusty head off, Dusty having his date with Karmine. They slow danced, everyone took some pictures, showed off outfits, etc.

Then it was time for the announcement of the night. Clover managed to win prom queen, again. Nadia Keet got the jester, which I think she has won before as well. Congrats to both of them!

After his sister’s win, Dusty spent some more time with Karmine, but then went and took pictures with his sister. As the night wound down Clover was one of the last sims on the dance floor.

They were invited to after prom and we of course said yes, and made sure Karmine came with us as well. Most everyone was out of their prom clothes by then though.

Karmine and Dusty head to the cuddle carts, which ended up cheesy but really fun for them both. It was a good result, and these two are doing really great together.

Clover, meanwhile, headed to the Ferris Wheel and got a little bit more than she bargained for thanks to some love birds above her.

After their rides, the kids head and grab some food before the night is up. Clover says goodbye, but it takes a tiny bit longer for Dusty to say goodbye to Karmine. It was a great night with her.

This probably could also go under EARLY Sunday morning, but Clover came home after the after prom and talked to her mom for a bit before everyone went to bed. It was a night to remember for Clover and Dusty.


Sunday morning starts with Jayce once again being up and feeding the dust bunnies a little bit more. We have today and tomorrow morning to get Belle her 10 whims during a social event.

Once he’s done feeding all the dust bunnies, Jayce grabs himself a bowl of fruit salad and sits down to relax before the day really gets going.

Once Belle is up she is mixing up some additional food for breakfast. Then she sits down with the kids to eat. Everyone is almost ready for the day now.

Once breakfast is over and cleaned up Belle gets busy in the kitchen preparing a cake for the special day. It’s the twin’s birthday and we are hoping that Belle can get her whims in this time.

Before the party, the family heads out to volunteer as a family. Dusty gets a chance card and manages to nicely deflect an argument and learn a bit about other sims’ lives.

We start the party and both Jayce and Clover blow out their candles and become young adults. Belle works hard to get whims, and while she manages to get up to 8, she ran into a couple of tougher ones and ended up running out of time, again.

Both Dusty and Clover end up graduating with honors and we won’t be attending graduation with them, as it’s Sunday right now, and we would have to wait a full week.

Once the party is done and the guests are all gone for the night Dusty cleans up the house. Clover helps him as well, but Belle and Jayce had gone to bed.

Monday Morning

It’s Monday morning and I have an idea about how I want to handle the social event requirement we still have for Belle, so once they are both up Jayce gets busy cleaning the house, feeding the dust bunnies, and repairing the sink while Belle does some cooking.

The kids are up and have some breakfast before everyone gets ready for another social event, this one specifically set up to try and get Belle her whims met.

Which includes Clover heading out for a jog for a little bit. Technically Belle is also taking a quick jog back there, and we are going to hope that she can reach her goal.

The event starts and quickly Belle rolls desires for her husband. Luckily not to plan a date or to try for a baby, but things like flirting and being friendly with him. Then she also wants to be friendly with Karmine.

Belle also wanted to chat with Maria, so she gets invited over so Belle can have a quick chat with her on the porch. We are basically 5 whims in, so 1/2 way there.

Back inside Belle wants to listen to some music, which she does while Dusty does some dancing. I’m not sure what Karmine was doing with our tablet, but she is obviously here as well.

Belle wanted to cloudgaze with Karmine, so out they head. It took a bit of time but Belle is up to 8 whims or so now. They immediately stop once the wish is met as we are quickly running out of time.

Belle then threw a whim to freshen up, so she heads in to do that. We are down to the final minutes of this party and need just this last whim I believe. She is so close.

Right as the party ends Belle finishes one final whim, can’t remember exactly what it was now, but it doesn’t matter. We reached the achievement we have been looking for. She finally did it, and I couldn’t be happier!

These two are too funny. I cannot remember what Dusty was telling Clover, but it apparently surprised her. Actually, I may have an idea. It might be due to what is getting ready to happen.

It is, however, almost 5:30 and Dusty is having quite the dance session for himself. His moves were cracking me up.

I decided I really like Karmine, and so while it means we will push a little past 5:30 for this first week we had her come over and blow out candles to grow up. Technically she was closer in age with Rory Berry, but I liked her and Dusty so much. After she grew up she and Dusty shared their first kiss, and then Dusty asked her to move in with him.

Karmine and Dusty are moving next door to Clover in some apartments downtown, as Clover needs to do the City Living aspiration. Since Clover found no one in the playables to love we will be creating a spouse for her. Each kid, and Karmine, pooled their money to get some sparsely furnished apartments, Dusty and Karmine’s being more furnished than Clover’s. We will see her apartment next week, however, and I hope to see you there!

Family Navigation: Season 4: Winter | Season 5: Spring (Week 2)

Challenge Navigation: Grey Family Update: Week 2 | Krause Family Update: Week 2

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