Krause’s Season 5: Spring (Week 2)

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Family Navigation: Season 5: Spring (Week 1) | Season 6: Summer (Week 1)

Hello and welcome back to the second week of the Krause family! Last time we had lots of parties and Belle finally got her 10 whims during a social event, which was the final goal for the generation and allowed us to move on. We announced Clover as the sim to carry on with the next generation and Dusty is moving in next door with his girlfriend Karmine. Let’s dig into Week 2, and fair warning, it’s a LONG week!!!

Monday Evening

We start week 2 with Dusty, Clover, and Karmine all moving into the 2 Jasmine apartments located in the Spice District of San Myshuno. It took just about all the money either twin had to get into these apartments, but hopefully, they will both be happy here. They already look thrilled and apparently, Karmine was here cleaning or something since she already has a bag of trash.

As soon as Clover is unpacked with the few things she has to put into the living room she looks for a job. Clover is doing the Art Critic goal set.

Goal Set #19 Art Critic (City Living)

  • Get to level 10 of the Critic career (Art Critic)
  • Complete and Display the Snow Globes and City Posters Collection
  • Perform as a statue for at least two hours
  • Complete the City Native aspiration
  • Win a Karaoke Contest
  • Have level 10 Singing skill
  • Travel to all festivals at least once (City Living specific)

Living in an apartment will be an important part of the City Native aspiration, and it’s much easier to complete most of the things when you are right here as well. Clover gets her art critic job and needs to work on her writing.

However, first Clover decides to mix up a couple of things to eat. First, she pops some food into her pressure cooker, I think this would be something Belle would totally have given her. Next, she makes up a salad.

While she is cooking Dusty knocks on the door to visit. I know you are twins and all, but you guys JUST moved in. You haven’t even lived apart for more than a couple of hours.

Clover invites Dusty in, his apartment is actually nicer than hers (although I still made him and Karmine able to afford it, but it is fully furnished) but Clover got the larger of the two. They chat for a bit while Clover eats and then it’s time to get some work done.

Before he leaves though Clover hands Dusty a key letting him know he and Karmine are welcome anytime to come visit. I may regret this, but she had to give a key to someone, might as well be her twin brother. I guess at some point maybe I should give one to Karmine too.

Clover has a tiny little office (basically big enough for a desk and chair) that holds her little tablet computer. It works for now but someday she would like a better computer. But with some writing practice, and thus her first work task completed, it’s time to call it a night.

Clover gives her teeth a quick brush in the bathroom right off the master bedroom (which we’ll picture later) and heads to bed. We spent a bit less time this first day since we stayed a bit longer with the family to wrap up last week and have Karmine’s birthday.


Tuesday morning starts much the same as Monday night ended. Clover is up and working on her writing a bit more, and we got her a little office speaker so she can have music while she works (which will actually change to a different speaker later.) After working on the writing for a while Clover starts to practice her singing a bit.

Then it’s time to venture out into the world of the big city. Since Clover doesn’t officially work until tomorrow she heads downstairs and starts off by peeling off the posters for her collection everywhere she can.

Then she sees a few boxes of stuff lying around and goes searching for missing snow globes. Clover brought the posters and snow globes her parents had managed to collect, which somehow was most of the snow globes already. I’m not entirely sure how they got so many, but they were in Belle and Jayce’s inventories, so they passed them off to Clover before she moved. I think we will end up collecting most of them again in the search for the missing ones.

She saw this mural, which had also been vandalized, and went over to check it out. While there she greeted another person who was looking at it. At this point, Clover was getting very hungry and since none of the food stands in the Spice District were open yet she decided to head over to the fashion district (I think) instead.

Clover went to the open food stand and ordered some food. The clerk had a bit of an attitude when Clover ordered, but she was able to eat and enjoy watching a performer for a while.

A few minutes later another gentleman went up to order food and got the same treatment from the girl. He and Clover shared a bit of a knowing look and then talked for a few minutes about it away from the stand while they both finished their meal.

Seeing a karaoke bar across the plaza Clover went over and performed to a mostly empty bar. Someday she would like to, and will need to, win a karaoke competition, but for now, she’ll settle with getting a bit of practice in. Plus, it was fun! Then it was off to the arts quarter and the art museum there.

She entered the museum and started looking over the artwork housed there. (I actually plan to change this venue some before we visit again.) Then, who I would like to imagine is the painter of these works, came by and started talking to Clover for a bit about his work. This is great stuff for Clover.

As she left the museum Clover saw protestors and went over to learn a bit about what they were protesting. There is always something going on in the city.

It had been a busy afternoon, so Clover headed back to her own neighborhood and sat people-watching for a bit, and then got up and shot a few baskets with a ball that had been left on the court. It’s nice to have this little square in front of her apartment.

Clover headed back upstairs and found her dad at the door. He handed her a gift and she gave him a copy of the key to her place. No sooner had he left but Belle was at her door.

Why didn’t you two come together?

Belle: We did, Jayce came here first and I was next door, then we switched.

Ah, makes sense, make sure each kid gets visited at the same time. Still, you could have come here together and then gone there.

Belle: Well this way we don’t have to worry about who we visit “first”

Fair enough.

Regardless of the logic that may exist there, Clover was happy to see her mom and dad.

Belle and Clover head inside and sat on the couch to hang out and chat a bit about her first little bit living in the city. Clover filled her mom in on all the things she had done and seen that day, and about her new job, that starts tomorrow.

After her mom and dad both left to head back home for the night Clover realized she was getting hungry and started to head down to the open food stands. On her way, she spied and stopped to watch the living statue for a bit. She studied up on how they were performing, and while we didn’t yet give the statue a tip, as they ended their performance rather quickly, Clover has a sense of what it takes to eventually perform herself.

After watching the statue Clover was prepared to get some food, but noticed a rather handsome sim strolling by. He kept his head down looking at his phone and kept walking, but Clover was hoping to see him again.

For now, Clover grabbed from food and sat at the table to eat it. She was disappointed she hadn’t gotten a chance to greet the handsome man, but maybe he didn’t even live in the city. Disappointment clouded her mind while she ate, and then she prepared to head back up to the apartment, but then she spied the handsome man walking back through the plaza.

She quickly finished her food and called out a greeting jogging over with a wave. He smiled and said hello and they chatted for a bit. Clover learned he was also new to the city, his name is Allen Kemp, and he lives in the building right next door to hers. What luck! Without really wanting to Clover says goodnight to the handsome new neighbor, she has work in the morning.


The next morning as Clover got ready for work she couldn’t help but think about Allen and sang a little flirty song in the shower before she had to go to work.

I had wanted to work from home but apparently clicked to go to work, but for her first day, it makes sense. Clover heads out right as Karmine comes to chat, and this woman knocked on the door shortly after. She was with the welcome wagon, sorry guys, we are headed to work.

While Clover was at work it started to rain and I just watched the rather empty street in the neighborhood. Some people did walk by, but there wasn’t much interesting going on sadly.

Clover did get a chance card at work, which only went ok for her. At least she got a small performance gain. I’m hoping she gets a promotion today.

I changed the direction I was watching for the afternoon and watched the train come in and out of this station for a bit. This part of the city is boring today! Although the city itself is fun to just kind of look around.

Thankfully Clover came home with a promotion, and the streets got much more interesting. This was the branching promotion, and of course, we took Art Critic since that’s our goal set. Clover is now a Snooty Pundit.

Clover goes around and checks for any new posters to add to our wall and finds a couple new ones. Then the astronaut statue was out performing so Clover went and watched and then gave him a tip.

That tip somehow was enough to unlock the outfit and Clover can now do the living statue part of her goal set. Times must be tough for living statues if Clover’s single tip was considered generous.

Clover heads home, since it’s raining there isn’t much going on in the square tonight, and Clover doesn’t really want to stand around in the rain. Instead, she sits on the couch for a bit and texts with Allen, the cute neighbor.

Then Clover needs to increase her painting skills. I suppose to know good art you need to know how to create art? At least you should probably understand the basics, and to be really good understand it in depth. Either way, she works up a quick small painting to get her skill up to the next level.

While she works on the painting she also decides she likes painting. Sure Clover, you can like painting, you’ll probably have to do more of it anyway.

Getting hungry and looking out the windows and seeing no open food stands, Clover makes herself some coconut rice for dinner. While eating she chat’s a bit more with Allen.

After dinner, Clover heads in to get some article writing done. She completes her article that is due. It’s starting to get a bit late by the time she’s done, but Clover isn’t overly tired yet.

Instead, before bed, she takes the time to do a bit of singing practice. This may not have been the best idea, however…

When Clover finishes practice she makes herself a cup of tea to relax for the night and hears a pounding on the door.

It’s Karmine and apparently, Clover’s singing disrupted her and Dusty’s night. Clover apologizes, and all is forgiven. Although Clover and Karmine don’t like each other that much at the moment.

With the excitement of the night over Clover gets ready for bed and crawls in. It was a busy day, starting work, and getting through all the tasks she needed to. The rain quickly sends her into a deep sleep.


Super early Thursday morning, like 4 or 5 AM early, we get a visitor. Not the kind we generally want, but I am also kind of excited that they visited since I haven’t had a vampire break-in in FOREVER. Of course part of that is there almost always seems to be a sim awake at this hour.

The unknown vampire (I didn’t look at their name) came in and compelled Clover out of her bed and into the living room where she was fed on and passed out on the floor. Clover’s neck is going to be sore tomorrow!

Clover got a whim yesterday, and it stayed to this morning, to level up her handiness. So off she went to update the toilet. Then it’s time to hop into the shower to shave her legs and get clean for the new day.

Clover heads out to search for new posters and new snowglobes. She finds a few of each, but nothing really new in either case. It’s another gloomy, rainy day in the city.

Needing a bit of a pick me up she calls Allen to tell him about her night. She knows she didn’t dream it because she woke up in her living room. Well, that, and the new small holes in the side of her neck.

Allen cheers her some and then hungry, Clover heads over to the food stand to grab some breakfast. She has her rice upstairs but doesn’t want to go all the way back up again. She’s not sure who the sim is also grabbing food from the stand, but you really do see all kinds.

Clover has been meaning to go check out the boba and thrift shop that is on the other side of the square, so with the rain continuing to fall she heads over and discovers they have a performance space. She immediately grabs a mike and starts singing.

Not only does no one stop her or seem to care she just started singing she starts getting a bunch of tips. She might not have that high of a singing skill yet, but she’s clearly got some natural talent.

She almost falters on her next song when Allen walks in. She did not expect to see him here. Although if she thought about that for a second, why wouldn’t she? He lives in the building on the corner.

Clover wraps up her song and then goes to talk with Allen.

Clover: Hey, I’m surprised to see you here, are you not working?

Allen: Hey, I could say the same to you. I’m still officially looking for work in the city.

Clover: Oh, do you come here very often? It’s my first time here.

Allen: Um, no. To be honest I was coming back from a walk and saw you on the stage, and, well, I was a bit worried about you after our talk earlier, so I thought I’d come in.

I LOVE these two. Yes, I did create Allen, so he has no skills, no job, etc. I made him specifically for this challenge and for Clover, but I love them anyway.

Allen had to step away for a few minutes so Clover grabbed herself a boba and sat back down. She was feeling a bit melancholy. Her neck hurt, she was so tired and just felt drained. That will happen when a vampire gets ahold of you.

When Allen came back he had grabbed his own boba and the two talked and flirted the afternoon away. Clover’s phone suddenly started ringing and it was her mom. Belle was hoping to stop by the apartment to talk to Clover. So Clover prepared to say goodbye to Allen but then decided to ask him if he wanted to come back to her apartment.

To her delight and surprise, he said yes, so she took him home with her. She was nervous to show him in, she still had very little in the apartment, but he admired her little bits of artwork, asked about the easel (Clover remembered he liked to paint too), and told her he liked the space a lot. They sat on the couch and got to know each other even better while they waited for Belle to arrive.

Clover wasn’t entirely sure how quickly her mom would arrive, so they turned on Clover’s pretty crappy TV and watched a bit of TV while they waited.

The two continued to flirt and chat and get to know each other better. Allen is a sweetheart and we learned he is a Bro and neat. Clover already felt so comfortable with Allen, and it was like she had known him for forever.

Finally, there was a knock on her door and Clover was surprised to see not just her mom, but her dad as well. She gave them both a hug and then invited them inside.

Clover introduced Allen to her parents and told them how they met. They chatted around the table for quite a while, and then Clover started to get hungry. She glanced down to the square and no food stands were currently open so she went to the kitchen.

Jayce talked to Allen some while Belle and Clover got food ready. He’s a protective dad, but Allen won him over. After they ate Dusty stopped by and also met Allen while Jayce helped clean up.

Clover took the opportunity, as her parents were helping clean up the dishes and get some drinks, to run a quick dust buster to remove some of the dust. Everyone chatted for a while longer, Belle checked in on Clover’s neck and told her to be careful and then everyone but Allen went home. Clover and Jayce ended up with a supportive dynamic as well.

Clover gave Allen a big hug and thanked him for the night and for being ok with the sudden introduction to basically her entire family all at once. Then he also admitted he had to head home, he had more interviews and job hunting to do tomorrow.

Clover started to finish the last few dishes that remained in her sink, nearly dropping them with all the soap. It had been a busy, surprising day.

Apparently Dusty and Karmine were having quite a night themselves as they were super noisy. Clover was about to go out and knock on their door when the noise quieted down and she was able to fall asleep.


Really early Friday morning Vlad (the aged down and slightly updated version) broke into Clover’s apartment. What are the odds, two vampire break-ins two days in a row.

Much like before he compelled her out into the main room and then drank from her, leaving her passed out on the floor. Clover was just about to wake up before this too.

After finding herself once again on the floor of her living room, and with fresh pain on the side of her neck Clover contemplates what to do. It’s Spring Day, but Clover doesn’t feel overly springy.

Clover digs around and finds a few spring decorations to brighten up the apartment a little bit. The weather outside is gloomy and not overly springy feeling either. A little bit of breakfast later and Clover is more ready to face the day.

Umbrella in hand Clover heads out in search of more posters and snowglobes. In the background, I spy Makenzie Berry, married to Andes in our NSB challenge household coming up.

Clover spies Allen out in the square and heads over to talk with him. Apparently, none of the prospects he had for jobs have panned out today. Clover tried to make him feel better telling him he will find a job soon.

They chat for a bit longer, Allen lamenting even coming to the city. It’s been rough, although he’s staying afloat. Still, the best part of moving to the city for him is meeting Clover.

Clover takes the chance and just quickly gives him a kiss. Taken aback Allen isn’t really sure what to do. Clover can barely believe she did it but just didn’t think she could help herself.

Allen, over the initial shock, grabs onto Clover and gives her a passionate kiss right then and there. These two are great together, and I love them so much. I might have made him, but you just never know if they are going to get along for sure.

Sadly Allen has to go to another job prospect so he has to rush off, but they make plans to meet up after to get some food. Clover heads over to review one of the street performers, and the rain is starting to let up finally.

Clover heads back upstairs and does some painting while waiting for Allen to come back. She needs more painting skills for her job, and she was feeling rather flirting thinking about Allen.

Once Allen calls they head out on a first official date. They head to the burger shop over in Cooperdale and order some burgers and sodas. The service was pretty good, and while it was gloomy in Cooperdate too at least it wasn’t raining.

After their burgers, the two walked around a bit in the small gazebo area across the street and as the sky got dark they enjoyed kissing each other.

Clover: I don’t really want this date to end. I don’t really want to go back to my apartment…

Allen: Me either, I have an idea though!

So Allen took them to the library to start researching vampires to help keep Clover safe, and more comfortable in her apartment. Clover managed to discover the existence of some vampire tomes and picked up the first one when the library didn’t have it.

Allen walked Clover back to her apartment and Clover asked Allen to be her official boyfriend. Thankfully he said yes right away.

The two kissed the hallway a bit more.

Clover: I really don’t want to spend the night alone tonight. Would you like to stay with me…..

Allen: Sure, I can do that.

The two quickly headed to Clover’s bedroom and enjoyed their evening a bit longer. Both of them thinking of nothing but each other.

Clover slept the best she had in a couple of days that night and was so glad to have Allen beside her.

Apparently out in the night, with the spice festival wrapping up, something was happening. This guy was running around scared in a towel. Did a vampire break into his place?


It is an insanely gloomy and rainy day in the city to start Sunday morning.

Clover is up early and grabbing some food at the food stand, along with many others this morning. She simply couldn’t sleep any longer.

Allen had left to go do some things for the day and Clover heads out for a jog. She felt so happy with Allen, and should have her vampire book soon so she could learn how to try and protect herself from being a further snack.

Sure enough, the vampire book is ready for Clover and so she sits down and starts to read. She learns about them turning into bats, but so far nothing useful for staying safe, other than at least sometimes, sunlight.

While she is reading her book Clover hears the door open, and in comes Allen, who quickly sits down and asks Clover to marry him!

Allen: I know it’s soon, but I want you to be my wife.

Woah, ok Allen, I mean I had planned on having you guys together, but you got there faster than I did

Allen: Is that a problem?

Nope, not as long as Clover agrees.

Clover: YES!! I’m totally in!

Well wasn’t that just a very romantic proposal? All right, well I guess they are officially engaged, you could have at least gotten a ring Allen.

Doesn’t Allen just look so proud of himself? Yes yes, you somewhat foiled my plans, but really you just sped them up more than anything.

Clover, taking a quick break from her book asks Allen if he just wants to move in. Allen practically leaps from the couch to say he would go get his stuff. A little bit later Allen is back, he didn’t have much and had pretty much rented all his furniture. Once he’s back Clover and Allen discuss their day.

Allen gets goal set #4 rolled for him, now that he is all moved in. Here is what Allen’s goals are.

Goal Set #4 Master of the Real

  • Get to Level 10 in the Painting Career (Master of the Real)
  • Master the Painting Skill
  • Master the Photography Skill
  • Take and display 25 Outstanding Quality Photos

Allen Kemp is also Nosy, which goes with Bro and Neat to round out his traits. His aspiration is Painter Extraordinaire, and while we don’t have to complete that with this goal set, he probably will, and that gives him Muser as his bonus trait.

Allen gets his painting things set up, and they move the easel into one of the back rooms so Allen can get started. He also finally found a job as a painter. It took a while, but he was determined. Meanwhile, Clover heads out to work for the day.

She comes home with a promotion and finds Allen still working on his paintings in one of the back rooms they set up as a studio. He has listed a few of his paintings on plopsy, but also needs to sell some to collectors.

However, it was talent night out at the club in Willow Creek, so the whole family heads out so they can support Clover performing. Before she performs though Clover tells her mom about the engagement. Belle is thrilled for her. She also takes the chance to tell Dusty and ask him to stand up with her. Then the announcer calls Clover up and she gives a great performance. Doesn’t win the talent show though. Maybe next time.

Back at home, these two won’t stop flirting with each other, so it is not surprising that Allen decides he likes flirtation. We, of course, say yes to that one.

Clover crawls into bed a little after Allen that night. It’s hard to believe the week is almost over, and yet, it’s been a very full week already.


Sunday begins by being one of the nicest days we’ve had this week in the city. Allen heads down to grab some food, while Clover gets distracted looking for some more snowglobes. She also grabs some posters too.

After some food, both watch the street performer for the day, and Clover takes the opportunity to do a quick review for work on the performance.

After spending the morning out in the square Allen heads back up to start painting in the small studio, and Clover gets busy writing an article she needed to get in, which she actually got a bonus for!

A peek out into the hall shows Belle and Jayce visiting with Karmine. Dusty comes over to let his sister know their parents are around, but Clover must leave for work.

While Clover is at work Allen busies himself around the apartment. He paints, does some dusting, takes a walk outside, ships out a painting to a buyer, and does even more painting. It was a successful day and Allen has completed the first milestone of his aspiration.

Clover comes home and wants to do some handiness, so she takes time to work on upgrading the sink in the kitchen. She’s really getting good at this handiness thing.

It was getting late but the noise from next door was going to keep Allen and Clover awake, so Allen heads over and knocks on the door. Eventually, Dusty comes out but dismisses Allen’s complaint. However, things quiet down after that so I guess it must have had some effect.

So before bed, the two lovebirds make a little noise of their own. I really like these two, I wonder if risky is going to pop up with these two before they are married next season.

Monday Morning

Maybe it was payback, but early in the morning Dusty comes and reads in their bedroom. Dusty, GO HOME!

Up before Clover, Allen heads into the bathroom to get ready for the day and then decides to grab a book and wait for Clover to get ready before heading out for food. I think this little reading corner is actually nice.

Ordering food at the stand Clover sees Solros Petal out and about as well. She and Allen eat at the table, why on opposite sides, who knows. Then Allen has to head out to work.

Clover takes the opportunity to go out for a jog around the city. She picked up jogging a couple seasons ago and really seems to enjoy it. It’s a beautiful day today too.

Clover heads up and dons the makeup and outfit of a living statue and heads down to perform. Her brother walks right past her. She only performs for about a 1/2 hour before she is done, but she did make a few tips.

Back into normal street clothes, Clover checks out the protests that have formed in the square and sees Ginger Hundred is watching as well. They catch up for a bit before Clover heads back upstairs.

There she works on putting an upgrade on the shower to make it a little nicer for her and Allen in the future.

As it was rebate day Clover splurged a little and got a new couch and TV, one that did not have a bunch of burn-in on it. It’s amazing how much easier it is to see what is going on, and now they can really relax sometimes. It’s a bit of a tight fit, but worth it.

Allen comes home with a promotion. I’m excited for him to get through his career as it will give us some decent money to use in upgrading this apartment.

Allen quickly mails off the bills and checks the rest of the mail when Clover comes out, gives him a quick kiss, and tells him she has a surprise for him. His reaction to the surprise will have to wait, however, as it is now 5:30 PM and time to move on to the next house. This chapter got really long, so if you made it all the way through, THANK YOU, and I hope to see you at the next house, and back with these two when we get back to them!

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